The Amazing Benefits of Walking
It's National Walking Day and we wanted to help celebrate here at Mauricettes by talking about all the amazing benefits of regular walking. Walking is a great form of exercise that can help you lose weight plus strengthen your bones and muscles, but it also has some other amazing benefits! Check out those benefits here:
Lower BMI (body mass index)- Studies have shown that people who walk more and sit less will have lower BMIs, therefore be a healthier weight.
Better Memory & Cognitive Function- Daily walking can help better your memory and cognitive function. It has also been found to help with a greater volume of gray matter in the brain, which measures brain health.
Regulate Glucose Levels- Studies have shown that frequent walkers with type 2 diabetes have a 12% lower risk of higher glucose levels.
Lower Stress & Improve Mood- Just like other types of exercise, walking can lower stress and improve your mood. Especially if done in nature because it stimulates the production of neurotransmitters, like endorphins, in the brain and will help improve mental state.
Regulate Blood Pressure & Cholesterol- Regular walking can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Live Longer- Studies have shown that walking just 3 hours a week can reduce the risk of premature death by 11% compared to those who do little to no activity.
If you’re sitting there thinking “I can’t do that”, yes you can! Start with 10-15 minutes and walk around the block or even just walk around your house. It doesn’t matter as long as you’re up and moving. Then you can work your way up to longer periods of time and more frequently. It’s best to get at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity walking, 5 days a week. But more is always better for your health benefit if that is possible for you. We know with everyone's busy lifestyle it can be hard to take time out to go on a walk, so if you’re out running errands, park a little further away from the store so you can get more steps in that day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Those extra steps will really benefit you more than you realize.
Also, it’s never too late to reap the benefits of walking. A study was done in 2013 with seniors an average of 80 years old, and those who walked just 4 times a week were less likely to die over a 10 year period. It’s amazing what just a little walking can do for your physical and mental health!
So we encourage you to grab and friend and get to walking!