6 Nutrients That Boosts Immune System & Prevents Sickness
We have all heard that a great immune system plays a vital role in keeping us healthy, but how to keep it in a good form is still unknown to many. If you have a good immune system, your body is able to fight the germs you come in contact with daily, keeping you from falling sick. It is true that your immunity loses its strength with your age, but there is much you can do to boost it and prevent sickness to a great extent.
First off, What is the Immune System?
Our body has an entire mechanism to fight off diseases and foreign bodies that may harm us in many ways. A good immune system helps in fighting infections and diseases that may take a toll on our overall health. Per the US National Libray of Medicine, research shows that antibodies are produced by the immune system that can neutralize an infection.
In particular, the immune system comprises many different types of cells that may attack any suspicious microbe in a certain way to keep you disease-free. The adaptive nature of the immune system generates as many cells to fight off any invading microbe, thereby reducing our risks. But if the immunity is weakened, the invading microbial organisms may get a good chance to create a problem. This is the reason why taking care of your immunity is more essential with growing age because, with age, the immune system tends to weaken naturally. However, a little effort can help you maintain your immune system working at its best.
How Does a Weak Immune System Affect You?
The immune system is regulated naturally to prevent you from falling sick, however, in certain instances, it may not work properly or overwork to produce harmful effects. Therefore, it is important for your body to have an immune system that is perfectly regulated and balanced. Changing lifestyles, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyles greatly affect the working of your immune system making it weak and causing many disorders. The common immune system disorders include:
1. Primary immunodeficiency disorders- When some components of the immune system are found to be missing in humans at birth, it may cause certain disorders in the body.
2. Secondary immunodeficiency disorders- When environmental factors affect the working of the immune system making it ineffective, it may cause illness. Some of the environmental factors include malnutrition, chemotherapy, and HIV.
3. Autoimmune disease- Sometimes, the immune system malfunctions and starts to attack the tissues and cells of the body without any cause. This may lead to autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, etc.
4. Asthma and allergies- It is found that the immune system may sometimes attack and kill the substances that are not harmful to our body. This response may lead to various allergies and asthma.
How to Boost Your Immune System and Prevent Sickness
It is commonly seen that people who are malnourished are likely to be harmed by a particular infection. Per the US National Library of Medicine, some studies also show how nutrition and the immune system are interlinked. Certain deficiencies can lead to a compromised immune system. It is always best to eat a balanced diet that is high in nutrients to have a better disease-fighting ability. Including certain supplements in your diet may not only help in decreasing the chances of deficiency but some nutrients are well known to boost the immunity of a person. Here is what you can do to keep your immunity working best against infections and sickness.
1. Turmeric with Black Pepper
Turmeric is loaded with high amounts of antioxidants that may prove beneficial for your immune system. Besides, it also has high anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic properties which fosters good health in many ways. When taken in the right amounts it can boost your immune system and prevent sickness. Even though turmeric can be obtained through food, its absorption is not guaranteed because of its poor bioavailability. Since it is very quickly metabolized by the liver as well as the intestinal walls, only a little amount of it is able to enter the bloodstream.
Hence, it is recommended to take turmeric along with black pepper. It is found that the piperine found in black pepper is a bioactive component and helps in better absorption of turmeric. Taking turmeric in a supplement form that has added black pepper in the right amounts will foster the best results. Check out Mauricettes's Non-GMO formula, Extra Strength, Organic Turmeric with Black Pepper Supplement. In addition to boosting immunity, the turmeric and black pepper combination may help in relieving pain, reducing inflammation, managing obesity and even preventing cancer.
2. Vitamin D3 with K2
According to a report with the US National Library of Medicine, there have been many cross-sectional studies that show the increased risk of infection due to low levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D has been known to have functions beyond calcium homeostasis and can help in boosting the immune system by interacting at cellular levels. It strengthens the innate immune system and reduces the occurrence of infectious diseases.
Vitamin D can be obtained naturally in two ways either through diet or by exposing your skin to direct sunlight. It is usually seen that both ways of obtaining it are often inadequate. Maintaining its level through foods containing vitamin D on a regular basis is difficult while there is not enough exposure of the skin to the sunlight on a daily basis to get enough vitamin D for many people.
Therefore, it is important to check your Vitamin D levels and if you are deficient, you may talk to your doctor about starting a good quality supplement. Mauricettes has a chewable Vitamin D3 with K2 supplement, to help with easier absorption and consumption. The powerful combination of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 in the supplement is not only meant to boost your immunity but also help you combat many other health problems such as improving bone health, prevention of cardiovascular diseases and protection against certain types of cancer.
3. Omega + DHA
Omega fatty acids and DHA are nutrients that may help you to achieve your health goals by reducing sickness. Maintaining adequate amounts of EPA found in omega fatty acids are known to reduce inflammation in the body. When consumed along with DHA it may help in enhancing the activity of B cells which is a white blood cell, thereby improving your immunity against many diseases. It is also found to be useful for people with chronic inflammation.
Omega and DHA can boost your overall health in many more ways such as by improving your brain functioning, reducing risks of heart diseases, improvement in bone health and better sleep. So, a daily supplement of omega and DHA is not only essential if you have a weakened immune system but it also useful to promote your overall health. Mauricettes has a great Omega + DHA gummy supplement, that includes Omega 3, 6 & 9. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in foods such as soybeans, walnuts, canola oil, salmon, chia seeds, sardines, mackerel, and flaxseeds. However, if you want to add this nutrient to your diet on a daily basis, it is best to use a specially formulated supplement like Mauricettes. Plus the gummy form makes taking your vitamins REALLY tasty!
4. Vitamin B12
This water-soluble vitamin in your diet can work effectively in not just boosting up your energy levels in a natural way but also improve your immunity against diseases. It aids in the production of white blood cells, thereby improving the immune system to fight better with many infections and sickness. The deficiency of vitamin B12 is linked with lower immunity, increasing the risk of immune system disorder. Certain pre-existing conditions such as Graves ‘ disease, which is an autoimmune condition may cause pernicious anemia leading to vitamin B12 deficiency.
A supplement of vitamin B12 may not only improve the working of the immune system but also prove to be beneficial in many other aspects. It improves digestion, relieves fatigue, and tiredness, improves cardiovascular health and more. The Cherry Flavored Chewable Vitamin B12 from Mauricettes is a tasty way to get your vitamins, plus helps the vitamin absorb better.
5. Vitamin B7
Vitamin B7 or Biotin is required for the development of white blood cells and hence, it affects the immune system in some way. The deficiency of biotin is often linked to an increased risk of getting an infection which is due to weakened immune functioning. Biotin deficiency may lead to a reduced rate of cellular proliferation which may affect the immune system. This vitamin is known to promote the production of Th1 cytokines which may improve the response of the immune system to fight infection.
To get rid of biotin deficiency you must include foods such as eggs, mushrooms, cheese, almonds, sweet potato, cauliflower and spinach in your diet. Alternatively, the correct dose of a biotin supplement on a regular basis which is usually available such as a Hair Boosting Supplements like Mauricettes Hair Boosting Gummies or even Mauricettes Hair, Skin & Nails Vitamins Tablets can be of great advantage because of the amount of Biotin the supplements offer. Not to mention, Biotin also has many other benefits in addition to improving immunity and maintaining good hair, skin and nail health. It combats Type 2 Diabetes, Prevents birth defects, reduces DNA damage and lowers the risk of heart diseases.
6. Melatonin
There is a significant link between melatonin and the immune system. Studies reveal the presence of melatonin receptors in the white blood cells, however, more research is going on to know how both affect each other. White blood cells are a major component of the immune system and melatonin affects its functioning in some way or the other.
Melatonin also helps in releasing cytokines in addition to other proteins that improve your body's ability to fight with invading infections. Such immune-modulating effects are helpful in the elderly where an age-related drop in immune function is commonly seen. Hence, you may talk to your doctor about taking melatonin as a supplement especially if you are elderly and want to boost your immunity. Besides improving sleep, a good supplement such as Melatonin Gummies For Adults may help in improving your overall health.
In addition to the above ways to boost your immune system, a few lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and reducing stress levels will help the immune system to function properly. Having a balanced diet and drinking enough water on a regular basis may prove to be highly beneficial in increasing immunity as well as overall health.